Generate bulk reviews via email

It is easy to send out review requests to your patients, using the generate reviews section of your reputation management system. You have the option to easily send an individual email, or upload your most recent patient discharge list of up to 500 contacts at one time. It is a best practice on a monthly basis to export from your EMR, the patient first name and email, then upload into the system. The system will then generate the pre-populated email and track the activity. 


How it works

The system sends out an automated email to the contact with a Net Promoter Score qualifying question, such as "would you recommend us to a friend". When the contact clicks the yes button, they are directed to your unique Google my Business page, where they can login into their Google account and leave you a review directly on your Google page. Google does require an account, but most people will have a gmail account. 

The system also can tell if the person opened the email, but did not click on the button to leave a review. In this case, the system will send a second email a day later with the same request. 

If the contact clicks the NO button, then they are directed to the listings page on your reputation management system. This allows them to put in their review without it going directly to Google. In here, if the contact rates you 3 stars or less, they will not be shown the option to further share their comment online. However, you will be able to see the negative comments in your reputation management system and directly respond to the person, taking the conversation offline to handle.



How to Upload Contacts

Simply click on the reviews tab on the blue navigation bar, then on the generate review button in the tab below. From here, simply click on the corresponding button, whether you want to send out an individual request or send out a bulk request.



Adjusting your email and preferences

On the review system tab you will see a gear icon. This allows you to update settings and also other messages that are displayed such as the negative comment feedback. Feel free to edit this copy the way you see fit. 

To change your email language, simply click on edit email next to the preferred listings line. Then click on the green selected email template that has been setup for you. Next, click on the edit comment blue box in the upper right corner. Edit the fields you wish and click on save at the bottom.