
Listing shows you an overview of the accuracy of your listings on different directories and review sites. If you are using listing sync pro + yext on our platinum and ultimate programs, you may say a listing sync in progress icon on sites that are synchronized. Other listings may have to be manually claimed. If you see a red x circle button, click on the "show possible matches" link on the listing to verify the information and then follow the directions to go to the listing site and manually claim your listing.

The more listings you can be on, the more accurate your information can be using the listing builder. In turn, this helps you with your local SEO and being discovered in your community. 

Here you can view your primary listings, listing score compared to industry average, and other citations tab, to view the number of citations to your business information.



When you see a website with yellow triangle, select show details and you will see the information that website thinks is accurate for your practice. To correct the information, select Edit. You will then be taken to that website directly where you are likely to be asked to sign up to claim your business.