Listing Builder

Listing Builder System overview

What are listings? Listings are where your business information is displayed on hundreds of directories, local maps, smartphone apps, and navigation systems. For example in Facebook, your phone number and address are displayed. In Google maps you want your business address, phone number, operating hours, insurances you take, and much more to display. The question is how do you get your business information onto hundreds of different smartphone apps, directories, maps, directories and more? Th...

Complete Your business profile

What is your business profile? The business profile helps ensure all your business data is available to the different systems in your business center to utilize. This is especially important for the Listing Builder system. Utilize your business profile to make changes to insurances you accept, changes in address, office hours and more services that you offer. Keep the business profile up to date to synchronize your business information out across the internet in real time. Use this one area...

Listing Builder System and local SEO

How can the Listing Builder system help my local SEO? Imagine a patient searching for "physical therapist" in their area, finding you on the map, only to not find your website address, or even a wrong phone number. This happens very frequently! Listing Builder fixes these problems, and maintains your important data across the internet continuously. Listing Builder is an important part of your website and business local SEO strategy. Here are just a few key ways Listing Builder works for you in...